Thursday, April 16, 2015

Stressed Out?

We’ve all had those days where we are stressed, depressed or the blahs. Where we feel the world is ending and no one else gets it.

Do you need someone to send you a kitteh pocolips?

From the time I crashed my car for the first time, to when I got laid off for the first time, relationship problems and so on. I’ve learned there is always someone that gets it. Weather it be a good friend, a family member or someone random on the internet. We all experience the same things in different ways, it’s how we deal with the issue that really matters. 

Here’s so ways that I have over come stress, depression, and the blahs.

1. I confide in someone. Sometimes my sister, a close friend, or my boyfriend. Pick someone that you     feel knows you well and understands you. Sometimes I’ll even say “I just want you to listen, this isn’t something that needs to get fixed. I just want to talk”. Our friends and family want to help us, and sometimes that’s what works best. Asking for there option, and gathering ideas. But sometimes it’s just good to have someone listen, to know you’re being heard is sometimes all you need. 

2. Workout. That’s it, I’m 100% serious. There’s been times where I’ve pretty much wanted to kill someone, and then I went for a hard jog and felt so much better. Working out helps to get out all the pint up aggression, and it’s good for you to. Win Win! 

3. Go online. If I can’t confide in someone, and I really don’t know how to handle a situation or problem. I will go online and see if someone else has ever had a problem. I will see if my boss is being sexist or am I just overthinking things. I will see how others dealt with there boyfriends being a jerk. Or even more serious things. But remember to look at more then just one website or forum. It’s always better to get as many options or facts as possible before forming your own.    

I hope these helps for anyone going through a hard time. Remember it gets better. 

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